10 Tips to Prevent Loading Dock Leveler Problems

You just invested in a dock leveler for your warehouse, or perhaps you’re considering investing in new equipment. In order to make your money last, how do you avoid loading dock leveler problems? Below are the 10 best tips for preventing loading dock leveler problems for your warehouse!

  1. Ensure that your loading dock is properly installed.

Is your loading dock equipment properly installed? Incorrect installations could risk equipment effectiveness and personnel safety. At Port City Industrial, all of our crews are well-trained in equipment handling, including correct installation of loading dock levelers.

  1. Practice safety and enforce operating precautions.

It may seem like common sense, but you should ensure that you and your

personnel are practicing warehouse safety whenever possible. Dangerous behavior, like operating warehouse equipment while pedestrians are on the floor, could put lives at risk as much as dollars.

  1. Schedule regular dock leveler maintenance and inspections.

Working in a warehouse is known to be unpredictable; however, maintenance and inspections can keep the unexpected to a minimum. You should ensure that regular equipment maintenance is scheduled and enforced. Inspections can expose potential problems, especially with dock levelers.

  1. Confirm that you and your employees are familiar with the loading dock equipment.

No matter how much experience you and your employees may have, you should always 

confirm that you have experience in the equipment that you are handling. Keep any manuals in a safe space for future reference. You should also consider scheduling regular meetings to review equipment protocol. While seemingly tedious, these types of endeavors are worth it in the long run by saving costs!

  1. Make sure that your loading dock equipment is up to date.

Is your warehouse loading dock equipment up to date? Regularly upgrading your loading 

dock equipment will be cost-effective in the long run, because then you will not have as many repairs.

  1. Purchase the correct loading dock leveler for your warehouse.

Not all loading dock levelers are created equally. There are four different types of dock 

levelers that you can choose from, including mechanical dock levelers, hydraulic dock 

levelers, air dock levelers and vertical dock levelers. Make sure that you purchase the best one for your warehouse and its uses.

  1. Invest in the right equipment for your loading dock leveler and warehouse.

A loading dock leveler is not always effective by itself. When purchasing and using a 

loading dock leveler, you should make sure that you have the right equipment available 

to use. Truck restraints and dock bumpers are just a few examples. Without them, you 

could risk hurting your loading dock leveler.

  1. Keep good records of your equipment.

All maintenance, services and miscellaneous purchases should be documented. Any 

warranties should also be kept in a safe location. Keeping good records of your equipment, and especially your loading dock equipment, will support you in any future endeavors.

  1. Do not abuse the loading dock equipment.

Even warehouses have their limits. When using your loading dock leveler, do not 

overwork the equipment. This includes overloading the dock leveler beyond its capacity. 

That can also contribute to potential damages.

  1. Conduct proper preparations for troubleshooting.

Whenever you prepare the loading dock equipment for troubleshooting and 

maintenance, you should ensure that everything is correct and in the right place. This 

includes disconnecting power sources and placing safety signs. While seemingly miniscule details, these actions can prevent potential damage.

Loading dock levelers are expensive, so you should do everything within your power to make sure that it has a long lifespan. Doing so ensures that your warehouse operates at its best! At Port City Industrial, we are committed to Making Warehouses Work. Visit our website at www.portcitymobile.com to learn more about how we can optimize your business.

Do you have any questions about "10 Tips to Prevent Loading Dock Leveler Problems"? Contact the professionals at Port City Industrial!

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